Prayers for Victims

This is a picture from my friend's marina at Possum Kingdom Lake right outside of Fort Worth city limits. The area in flames is filled with houses and people frequently anchor their boats here.

I am dedicating this post to the victims of the recent storms: tornadoes, tsunamis, wildfires, and severe thunderstorms. I know people who have been directly affected by each and it devastates me that they are experiencing such tragedy beyond their control. I do not remember a storm system this bad in my lifetime and I've heard it is already breaking records. I thought the hail damage on my car was bad, but people have obviously lost houses, lake houses, and even loved ones.
It makes me so thankful for all I have and so grateful that neither I nor my family have experienced hurt from these terrible storms. Do not take warnings lightly, cherish loved ones, and help however you can because, face it, you are safe and some aren't.
Especially tonight we all need to pray for the victims of the most recent Tuscaloosa, AL storms. Many have already lost homes, family, and friends and most still need safety.

The Red Cross is conducting relief donations for these tragedies:

You Could Use Some Baseball

Texas Rangers advertising is pure brilliance. This is just one example of their many clever billboards, all of which feature catch phrases that relate to baseball or even ones that can change one word to associate them. My favorite features the saying "No 'I' in Texas" with a picture of the field players in a celebration huddle. They truly make me want to put down whatever I'm doing and go support my Texas Rangers. They make me want to even call them mine. This is rare for a billboard to have such a strong effect on me, and I hope they are having the same gripping effect on others. It's baseball season people! Eat, live, breathe it! YOU COULD USE SOME BASEBALL.


Peeping: the act of sticking peeps all over someone's car windows and leaving them to find. This happens more frequently after Easter when the holiday candy is on sale.

I consider peeping an act of love. I have never been peeped by an enemy, nor would I ever peep someone as an act of contempt. It is like extending the holiday celebration an extra couple of weeks. Say you are going to try out this festive concept. Here are some step by step instructions:
Visit your local convenience store and purchase some peeps (about a dozen).
Decide on an unsuspecting friend to peep.
Find their car during a dark hour.
Lick the peep to activate sugar stick.
Stick peeps to windshield and windows. BE SURE not to stick on paint in case of heat wave and melting.
Sneak away giggling.


"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.." 1 Peter 1:3


I can't decide if this is real or not. So she is obviously an alien. It's the only solution. Human spines do not function like that. Maybe that is not a unitard, maybe it is her silver alien skin. She has come to Earth for the sole purpose of entertainment and her alien counterparts are observing from the space shuttle to see how the humans react. She does not sleep or eat. She does not mean harm, but she is looking to gain information about the human world. People learn to trust her because of her fascinating ability and, in turn, she sees into their interests and lifestyles.


This image does not need much explanation, but it does need recognition. If you need clarification, the animal on the left is a horse and the one on the right (just a few inches shorter) is a dog. Yes, a CANINE. His name is Hercules, and he is considered to be one of the largest dogs in the world. He is an English Mastiff and weighs 282 pounds. His owner claims he fed him like a normal dog, but Hercules just kept growing. Good thing he didn't name him Fluffy.

Okay in reality this photo is fake. It sure fooled me at first. This dog is actually a photoshopped version of a Neapolitan Mastiff. Hercules, the actual 282 pound English Mastiff was granted world's heaviest dog a while ago, but the story got mixed with this photo and undoubtedly increased some doggie diets. We all give into a little exaggeration every now and then though. I think toddlers call it...imagination.

We Go Together Like...

peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, pancakes and syrup, politics and controversy, Lady Gaga and weird, wine and cheese, puppies and cute, salt and pepper, shovel and pail, pen and paper, lock and key, needle and thread, ball and bat, milk and cookies, bees and honey, pizza and beer, fat kids and cake, mustard and ketchup, bread and butter, trees and leaves, dog and bone, eggs and bacon, ebony and ivory, poo and stinky, the sky and blue, car and speed, fork and knife, pillow and blanket...


The Royal Perfection

Speaking of William and Kate, let us take a moment to rave over their perfection. Since news broke of their engagement and, really of their public relationship, I have yet to encounter a girl who would not trade places with Kate Middleton. Their engagement has been long awaited, and they have done a terrific job of making sure it was perfect. They are photographed happy together, attending charity events and spending time with the family. They have kept their class, despite the immense press coverage. Rumors are circling that their wedding could be the most watched show ever; nevermind the fact that you will have to wake up at 3:00am to catch it on this side of the pond. In my opinion, these two have done it exactly right and have made wonderful role models out of themselves. Compare the royal couple to our ever-so-classy Teen Mom characters mentioned in the previous post and think who we hold in higher regard. These two have given the exact right amount of information out about their engagement and nuptial plans; the public is engaged and, from what I've seen, has received little negative coverage. If only we could all live their fairytale...We wish you the best Will and Kate!