The Royal Perfection

Speaking of William and Kate, let us take a moment to rave over their perfection. Since news broke of their engagement and, really of their public relationship, I have yet to encounter a girl who would not trade places with Kate Middleton. Their engagement has been long awaited, and they have done a terrific job of making sure it was perfect. They are photographed happy together, attending charity events and spending time with the family. They have kept their class, despite the immense press coverage. Rumors are circling that their wedding could be the most watched show ever; nevermind the fact that you will have to wake up at 3:00am to catch it on this side of the pond. In my opinion, these two have done it exactly right and have made wonderful role models out of themselves. Compare the royal couple to our ever-so-classy Teen Mom characters mentioned in the previous post and think who we hold in higher regard. These two have given the exact right amount of information out about their engagement and nuptial plans; the public is engaged and, from what I've seen, has received little negative coverage. If only we could all live their fairytale...We wish you the best Will and Kate!

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