Teen Mom...More Like Mean Mom

There exists a show on MTV called Teen Mom that features single teenagers who had babies and their lives afterwards. Well surprise, surprise, this ended in upset. This show features young ladies who are unsure of their baby's father, do not have enough money to support their new family, drop out of school, become or already estranged from their parents, and other such un-motherly qualities. Sadly, this show has raised such commotion that it is swarming the covers of tabloid magazines everywhere. These mothers are actually getting famous off of their lack of parenting ability. The headlines read "I'm broke" and "Stealing my daughter back"...what kind of mother who wanted any sort of normal life for their child would post their name with those sayings for the entire country to see? Granted, Jen Aniston's life crises and Miley Cyrus showing too much skin does get repetitive, but I (and I hope I would have backup on this) would much rather see 40 magazine covers with the same picture of William and Kate on them than one more woe about these mothers scraping the bottom of the tabloid world for some publicity.

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