
This image does not need much explanation, but it does need recognition. If you need clarification, the animal on the left is a horse and the one on the right (just a few inches shorter) is a dog. Yes, a CANINE. His name is Hercules, and he is considered to be one of the largest dogs in the world. He is an English Mastiff and weighs 282 pounds. His owner claims he fed him like a normal dog, but Hercules just kept growing. Good thing he didn't name him Fluffy.

Okay in reality this photo is fake. It sure fooled me at first. This dog is actually a photoshopped version of a Neapolitan Mastiff. Hercules, the actual 282 pound English Mastiff was granted world's heaviest dog a while ago, but the story got mixed with this photo and undoubtedly increased some doggie diets. We all give into a little exaggeration every now and then though. I think toddlers call it...imagination.

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